Latest Past Events

2022 QChristian Fellowship Conference

The Q Christian Fellowship Conference is an annual gathering where hundreds of LGBTQ+ Christians and Allies: gather for worship, fellowship, workshops, and keynote speakers; make lifelong friendships or reunite with those friends; experience healing, transformation, and hope; witness the thrill of God's love and affirmation through each other.

Virtual Snurch with the Sisters!


Greetings o' best beloveds! Come join the Nuns of Steel for our biweekly online "Snurch" every other sunday at 11 am via Google meets. Queer centered services open to community participation from all. Bring a song, a story, whatever, and just hang out! Google meet link will be given out shortly before each Snurch commences.

Virtual Snurch with the Sisters!


Greetings o' best beloveds! Come join the Nuns of Steel for our biweekly online "Snurch" every other sunday at 11 am via Google meets. Queer centered services open to community participation from all. Bring a song, a story, whatever, and just hang out! Google meet link will be given out shortly before each Snurch commences.