Latest Past Events

Team Trivia @ 5801

5801 Video Lounge 5801 Ellsworth Ave., Pittsburgh

Join your friends each Tuesday for Team Trivia with our friends the Trivia Jockeys. Great prizes and drink & food specials! Spacious seating at 3 bars!

Team Trivia @ 5801

5801 Video Lounge 5801 Ellsworth Ave., Pittsburgh

Join your friends each Tuesday for Team Trivia with our friends the Trivia Jockeys. Great prizes and drink & food specials! Spacious seating at 3 bars!

People’s Pride PGH Presents: Reclaiming Pittsburgh Pride 2021

It is now our time to Reclaim Pittsburgh Pride as a community that has suffered under the Leadership of The Delta Foundation of Pittsburgh. Roots Pride PGH led the movement to hold Delta accountable for there crimes and harm to our LGBTQIA+ communities and People's Pride PGH continued the movement towards liberation in 2017 as […]