Latest Past Events

2022 QChristian Fellowship Conference

The Q Christian Fellowship Conference is an annual gathering where hundreds of LGBTQ+ Christians and Allies: gather for worship, fellowship, workshops, and keynote speakers; make lifelong friendships or reunite with those friends; experience healing, transformation, and hope; witness the thrill of God's love and affirmation through each other.

SAGE Coffee and Conversation


Kathi will set up a zoom gathering for 10:00 til noon on Thursday morning. If you would like to join that zoom Coffee and Conversation, contact Kathi at

SAGE Zoom Gathering


In addition to general conversation, each Tuesday we hope to SPOTLIGHT a topic. Virtual Tours of Art Installations are being arranged...TBA Join in our scheduled SAGE Zoom meeting by phone, IPad or computer. Tuesday Evening, February 23, 2021 beginning at 7:00PM In order to ensure our security and prevent persons entering with intent to disrupt, […]